Monday, December 07, 2009

forever remembered...

December 7th, 1941. Is it increasingly forgotten- or less valued as a memory as the years go by? It was a day in which many average Americans started out with going to church, visiting family and usual Sunday activities- but then ended with shock, tears and disbelief. I remember my Grandmother telling me how her family was gathered around the "wireless" (that's not Bluetooth, kiddos- she meant a radio) with another family and they heard the news come across the airwaves. What she said that she remembers the most is the silence in the room, then seeing her mother cry. She has never forgotten it.

I know older people who have forgotten more recent events, etc- but December 7th is burned into their memory. It was a day in which Americans realized that the world was a bit more terrifying, and that the troubles of the rest of the world would no longer be distant. With one act, all of the talk and argument about involvement, isolationism, etc went out the window. The newspapers and politicians may have continued to argue- but the American family knew it was time. It was time to fetch the proverbial rifle, to call upon our heritage as minutemen and citizen soldiers and go and do something about the atrocity of Pearl Harbor, and not finish until the job was done.

It is worth remembering and worth marking the day- and a day that should indeed live forever in infamy. We suffered another devastation loss and attack decades later in 2001, and while we continue to fight in that arena- it may serve us all well to remember that those who would live in freedom must forever remain vigilant- and must never forget neither the cost, nor the value of that freedom.

Oh, I know it's a penny here and a penny there, but look at me. I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty.

Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.


Retro Hound said...

I asked my Grandparents about 1968, and they have nothing to say. About Pearl Harbor, my Grandmother told me she just cried and cried because my Grandfather was already drafted, so she knew he would be going to war. He ended up with two Purple Hearts. They remember a lot more about the 40s than they do the 60s.

J.C. Loophole said...

Thanks for stopping by and for sharing that- I know what you mean; an event such as that is indellibly written in their memories- perhaps much like 9/11 is for everyone who remembers it. I may not be able to recall much about what happened in, say, September of 2004- but I can remember with vividness the week of 9/11/01. My grandfather joined the military not too long after WW II- he ended up serving in North Africa, and then the push through Anzio and Palermo. He too recieved a Purple Heart. Please tell your grandparents we appreciate their sacrifices and service- and I am sure their are many more who do and admire all of the members of the Greatest Generation.


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