It's a belated media roundup today, Shelfers. A day late, but not necessarily a dollar short. Who has an extra dollar lying around anyway? Have you bought gas lately?
Top Shelf Pick of the Week
The TCM Archives: The Laurel and Hardy Collection

The TCM Archives is a delightful series that needs to be encouraged to do more of the same- which is why the link provided is to the TCM online store. This set includes two full length features, Bonnie Scotland and The Devil's Brother, some clips of the duo from other films, and the wonderful TCM documentary about short subjects Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story. TCM recently reran the doc, written by Leonard Maltin and narrated by Chevy Chase, and I found it to be wonderful and informative- very much worth watching again and having as part of your film library.
Bonnie Scotland and The Devil's Brother are excellent films, which I haven't seen in years, but aren't necessarily the best they ever made. No complaints here, however, for while some other Laurel and Hardy films are available on DVD, more often or not they are poor prints or cheaply contrived DVDs. This is perhaps the first DVD of the duo that really packs the DVD punch that they deserve. Leonard Maltin and Richard Bann provide commentary on the films. To us, commentary is a 50-50 thing. Sometimes it's great, other times it's a waste of time. Most of the commentary I have heard Leonard Maltin provide is informative and always interesting - so give it a whirl.
Here's to hoping there is more first rate Stan and Ollie on the way. They built such a loyal following in many incarnations- during their original run with Hal Roach and when their films began appearing during the early days of television. Their work has influenced many a comedian and actor- so introducing them to a new generation kind of keeps the influence alive. Fox has also recently released a DVD set of the Stan and Ollie films made while at Fox in their later years. These films are not as great as the stuff made during their heyday, but still worth seeing. John McElwee has a great post on the Fox set and the films over at Greenbrier Picture Shows, and another post in honor of Ollie's birthday.
Love Happy

The Complete Mr. Arkadin (Criterion Collection)

Last night's NCIS and The Unit was a great one-two punch of television, with The Unit being probably one of the best episodes to date. It still kind of wierds me out to see that David Mamet not only created it, but has written several episodes and directed at least one that I know of. Sure, I normally think of Glengerry Glen Ross when I think of Mamet, but a closer look shows several other things that I didn't realize he had worked on The Untouchables and episodes of The Sheild and Hill Street Blues. Anyway, last night's episode really underlined the sacrifice of the soldiers and their families, and how that sacrifice is not always a temporary thing. Very powerful TV.
Tonight is the night for The Amazing Race and South Park with some familiar favorites. On The Amazing Race the camels are back. The teams are in Oman, and as always the challenges that involve the camels are difficult for the teams and humorous for viewers. The competition is perhaps fiercer in this season than in season's past. The most annoying teams (in my estimation) have all fallen- with Lake and Michelle being the final one that got on my nerves. And there hasn't been a non-elim round yet. This season is shaping up to be one of my favorites.

Towlie is back on South Park in the new episode entitled, A Million Little Fibers. From Southparkstudios.com's description: "Towelie gets over his drug addition and writes a moving book about his experiences. Thanks to Oprah’s support, the book becomes a best seller and his story inspires millions to turn their lives around. However, when he’s caught in a lie by the grand dame of daytime television, Towelie’s old habits start to look might appealing."
This is the first episode of South Park that has really been not-so self referrential, so it should be interesting. Nice to see Towlie back too.
The Shelf's TCM highlights for the week:
April 20th: Harold Lloyd dominates the line-up with Safety Last (1923), The Freshman

April 21st: Bing Crosby and Bob Hope travel The Road to Utopia (1946) while family man Cary Grant and lovable wife Myrna Loy try to live the American dream in Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948)
April 22nd: John Wayne puts the exclamation point in Hatari! (1962)
April 23rd: TCM has some great adventure films with The African Queen(1951) , Gunga Din (1939) , and The Four Feathers (1939).
April 24th: Don't miss Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck in a Top Shelf favorite: Ball Of Fire (1941)
Finally- just for kicks and your entertainment pleasure.... Watching the last Top Shelf Pick of the Week DVD The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother made me look for some more Marty Feldman hilarity. Courtesy of You Tube a classic sketch from the British show, At Last the 1948 Show which starred Feldman, Tim Brooke-Taylor and pre-python John Cleese and Graham Chapman. Enjoy...
Very nice roundup today- I always look forward to the TCM picks here and at Libertas.
Very awesome DVD set Mr. Loophole! I am also a big fan of Stan and Ollie and up until now their DVD's have been worthless. I have held onto my VHS copies- so maybe this is the beginning.
Also very nice Marty Feldman skit. I have the ...1948 show on DVD.
By the way, have you heard about the James Bond series being reissued in a new DVD set? Can you get more info?
jbondfan81- thanks for your comments.
As far as the new James Bond-
It seems as if Sony has been working on a James Bond 007 "Ultimate Edition" set that was originally was set to be released last October. New street dates now appear to be a UK release in July of 2006 and a US sometime in October/November of 2006- set to coincide with the release of Casino Royale. Most of the discs seem to be 2-disc special editions with all new features and all films (may) have been digitally remastered (better, cleaner, crisper image) and remastered for surroundsound. Special features may include never before (by who we don't know) seen footage and deleted scenes from the first 20 films.
If you don't already own any of the collector's sets (3 Vol) this may be worth putting on your Christmas list for Santa. It will probably set him back a few.
For more info check MI6 website (all Bond Stuff): http://www.mi6.co.uk/sections/articles/dvd_ultimate_editions.php3?t=&s=main
Good news about the James Bond "Ultra Editions" ,as they'll be called.Honestly folks, the people who have been putting this series out on dvd have done the public good. The special edition releases that are already out have great special features. These new releases are having your cake and eating it too.
Marty rules! Thanks for the video clip - I went and watched at least 5 others at You Tube.
Also thanks for all the info on the new James Bond. I don't think that I will care for the new one- Craig- so I will be able to own all the "real" films in one set!
java rules!
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